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Put Out Into the Deep

Adult  Faith  Formation

Why make the effort to pursue adult learning
in the Catholic Faith?


Adult knowledge for adults

We'd never think we could be successful in our careers with a grade-school education.  But many of us are trying to live an adult Christian life with not much more than our childhood catechism lessons to draw on.  Which is really too bad, because the understanding of an adult is vastly different than a child's. 

Mass is boring

Not getting much out of Mass?  Explore its history to unlock the mystery.  Your experience of the Mass will change.  Guaranteed.

Be prepared to give a reason for your faith

Often, those of us who are parents or even catechists feel quite unprepared to answer questions from children and people of other faiths.  Now, help is here!  A little adult learning goes a long way!

Don't know where to start

Start with your questions.  Why does The Church teach that?  Why do we do this?  What does that symbol mean?  Here are a number of options for group and private learning.  There is something for everyone, for every schedule.  Audios, videos, books, groups, Spanish  language (en Espanol).

There are no excuses left.    Go ahead.  Take the plunge.  You won't be sorry.



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